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Qam Quad Output Module - Dvb - C


Weight: 1.000 kg

It is possible to create your own bouquets of services/TV programs, available in the TDX Pool, and put them together in a QAM data stream. Depending on the bandwidth of each service it is possible to mix all the services and use the total bandwidth in an optimal way. The configurator ensures that you are not overloading the bandwidth and are creating problems with pictures on the televisions. Each of the output modules can be delivered with 2 CI-slots.

Technical Data

Spurious Signals> -60 dB
QAM Mode16,32, 64 ,128,256 QAM
Viterbi Decoder1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8
Reed Solomon Decoder204,188, t=8
Output SpectrumNormal, Inverted Random
Symbol Rate3.5 - 7.2Mbaud
Roll-off Factor15%
MER>35 dB
Output Level (system)93dBμV
Output Level Adjustment+3 / -17 dB (0,5dB step)
CI Slots0/2

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